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Psychological sexual Disorder and it’s Antidote: The Ancient Tantra Techniques


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Benefit of the practices: All these practices are mainly deals with all Psychological and Biological problems like Stress disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, Alcoholic, Drugs Addiction, personality disorders, Anxiety disorders, Autism, Bipolar disorders, Schizophrenia, Cognitive disorders, Depression, Dissociative disorders, Phobia, Identity disorder, Insomnia, Somnambulism, social Anxiety disorders, Sexual disorders, Heart disease, blood pressure, Sexual oriented disease, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Gay sexuality, Suicidal mentality, Cancer Obesity etc., This book contains Practical Methods or Techniques, explaining in very simple and scientifically ways, to activate your inner potentiality, and Your Body Chakras, and Intuitive, Psychic power, Hypnosis powers, Sexual DisordersParaphilias Frotteurism Vaginismus, Vaginismus Treatment and cure Female Orgasmic Disorder, Sexual Masochism Sexual Sadism, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorders, Transvestic Fetishism Male Erectile Disorder, Sexual Dysfunctions, Sexual Aversion Disorder, Gender Identity Disorder, Fetishism Foot Fetishism, Tickling Fetishism, Wet and Messy Fetishism, Female Sexual Arousal Disorder, Transvestitism, Dyspareunia, Male Orgasmic Disorder, Sexual Disorder NOS Coprophilia, Coprolalia Klismaphilia, Urophilia, hypoxyphilia, Acrotomophilia, Apotemnophilia, Ephebophilia, Gerontophilia, Mysophilia, Somnophilia, Troilism, Transsexualism, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Retrograde ejaculation Urolagnia, Telepathic power, Yoga, Meditation, Tantra, and also described how to get Enlightenment, this is not only cure psychological and Biological problems, it’s described how to move higher level of humanbeing. if you are having these book in your hand your are not need anything in this world, just this book is enough for your all matrial life needs and sprituual life needs, and also you don’ t wanted any master or teachears, just this book is enough for your all inner and outer search. Because this book is rarley avilable secreat source of the Ancient Tantra wisdom. because The tantra is the only source of the divine knowledge of all the modern science and ancient wisdom. This book will explaining your all the inner and outer needs and given the morvalus solution for the entire human being. i am not any exaggerate anything, but if you are having real tharst in your own growth, you must follow these methods, that will show your own way, to finding your own Enlghtenment. Nothing more than this.

Author: Jagadeesh Phd, Krishnan

Topic: New Age / Body, Mind & Spirit
Media: Book
ISBN: 1507544839
Language: English
Pages: 278

Additional information

Weight 0.83 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.58 in


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