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Psychology Behind Fitness Motivation: A Revolutionary New Program to Lose Weight and Stay Fit for Life


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This is a book for the unmotivated, for those who have been fit and long to be fit again, and for those of you who have never been fit with the desire to attain the body and health of your dreams. This book is also for those of you who need motivation that will last longer than you ever imagined and a realistic path toward fitness and fitness motivation based on evidence-based research that works. Though this may not be the easiest program, the outcome-increased mind-body control, greater control over your emotions, a more positive outlook, better health and well-being, and the body you deserve-make this program one of the best investments in your life. This program will teach you clinically and scientifically proven motivational techniques. These techniques will motivate you and help you: – Handle negative emotions and stress-related symptoms effectively – Improve your overall health – Control your mind and body and heighten peace of mind – Think more positively and optimistically, which is a trait recognized as improving physical health – Realize the powerful effect your mind has on your emotions and health and that you have the ability to realize the strength that is within you – Feel confident and ready to embrace new opportunities – Visualize yourself as an athlete – Attain your weight loss goals/fitness goals – And much more! This book is not just about obtaining fitness motivation. By learning to work out regularly, you will also feel more energy and joy, feel more confident, more optimistic, and cope better with life’s stressors. You will enjoy being around others and they will enjoy being around you. There are endless possibilities of life improvements that can occur after learning and applying the valuable and evidenced-based tools for you in this program. This program is designed for you to obtain the body, health, and happiness you have always desired. This book will change the way you think about fitness, your body and life in general. Get this book and start improving your life through exercise. Tags: Exercise Motivation, fitness motivation, how to get motivated to workout, how to get motivated to lose weight, weight loss

Author: Chronister, Dr Kim

Topic: Diet / Health / Fitness
Media: Book
ISBN: 1493709836
Language: English
Pages: 140

Additional information

Weight 0.43 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.3 in


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