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Psychology of Child Development


SKU: INR-9780649252800 Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


About the Book

Books on Parenting in family relationships advise parents about approaches and methods that can be applied to raise their child. The approaches recommended for child rearing will depend on the period when the book was written, as these approaches have changed over time. Titles include: The Healthy Baby, The Care and Feeding of Children, Manual of What Every Mother Should Know, Nursery Ethics, The Child Under Eight, The Development of Intelligence in Children, Lectures on the Formation of Character, and Self-reliance.

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Author: King, Irving

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 649252802
Language: English
Pages: 298

Additional information

Weight 0.93 lbs
Dimensions 9.21 × 6.14 × 0.62 in


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