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Quiet Fear



Working hard at life, Lilly thinks of herself as a committed teacher, wife, and mother. She is, at last, content. Then unexpectedly, she experiences horrifying flashbacks while caring for her toddler son. Panic takes over, stripping her of confidence and leaving her insecure in all that she does. Desperately, she tries to bring back a sense of normalcy, failing with each attempt. Terror has her imprisoned as her past and present worlds collide. Determined, she seeks help to relive her youth in a search for answers to the haunting question, ”Why?” This brings her face to face with Frank, her godfather, who is equally driven to protect his well-hidden crime. Can she outwit him and find safety for herself and her son? Or is Frank’s control over her seeded more deeply than she realizes? Lilly has to choose: stay in a dark hidden world of constant distress or find the courage to set her secret free.

Author: Keen, Thia

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1592988296
Language: English

Additional information

Weight 1.1 lbs
Dimensions 8.9 × 5.9 × 1 in


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