Response to Intervention: Principles and Strategies for Effective Practice
This bestselling work provides practitioners with a complete guide to implementing response to intervention (RTI) in schools. The authors are leading experts who explain the main components of RTI–high-quality instruction, frequent assessment, and data-based decision making–and show how to use it to foster positive academic and behavioral outcomes for all students. Implementation procedures are described in step-by-step detail. In a large-size format with lay-flat binding to facilitate photocopying, the book includes reproducible planning and implementation worksheets. The companion website features an accompanying PowerPoint presentation for use in RTI training.
This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by T. Chris Riley-Tillman.
New to this Edition
*Includes extensive new research that reflects the increasing adoption of RTI nationwide.
*Expanded to include behavioral interventions.
*Chapter on effective instructional practices for general education.
*Chapter on implementation at the whole-school and district levels.
*Chapter featuring multiple intervention case studies.
See also Assessment for Intervention, Second Edition, which details a wide range of assessment procedures ideal for implementation in an RTI framework.
Author: Brown-Chidsey, Rachel, Author: Steege, Mark W
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1606239236
Language: English
Pages: 208
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