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School Psychology: Professional Issues and Practices



This engaging new text introduces the field of school psychology, providing an accessible overview of an essential and in-demand profession. It covers a comprehensive range of topics, including historical, cultural, professional, legal, and ethical foundations as well as practices in assessment, intervention, consultation, and program evaluation. Reflecting current standards and best practices, the book includes learning tools for a variety of audiences and examines the profession of school psychology through a social justice lens.

Highlights include:

  • Written in an accessible manner to facilitate understanding by those with minimal to no background.
  • Contributions from renowned authors, which allow readers to learn directly from experts in the field
  • Content aligned with the ten domains of the NASP Practice Model
  • Integration of key concepts in psychological research and measurement that are essential for understanding school psychology practice.
  • A social justice orientation that portrays school psychologists as advocates for diverse children, families, and communities
  • Social Justice Connections boxes, which address a range of contemporary issues related to equity and access in schools and psychological service delivery
  • Comprehensive coverage of historical, cultural, legal, and ethical foundations as well as the roles and functions of school psychologists, including assessment, intervention, consultation, and systems-level reform
  • Tools and resources for professional development and career planning
  • Learning objectives, case examples, review and discussion questions, key terms with definitions, and chapter summaries that engage readers and reinforce key ideas
  • Online instructor resources such as PowerPoint presentations, a test bank, sample syllabi, and graduate program worksheets, ideal for busy faculty.

This text is ideal for a range of audiences, including undergraduate and graduate students as well as pre-service and working professionals who are considering re-specialization in school psychology. In particular, it is ideal for use in both undergraduate and graduate courses in school psychology (e.g., psychology in the schools, roles and functions of school psychologists) as well senior internship and service learning courses in psychology and education.

Author: Grapin, Sally L

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 826194737
Language: English
Pages: 284