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Secret Road of the Self: Theoretical and Practical Course on Hypnosis


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The mind cures us and the mind sickens us Heal your ailments and other people’s ailments Master the secrets and the power of hypnosis Nothing will be same for you after reading this book Excellent theoretical and practical course on hypnosis. The author has stated in this book his experiences accumulated throughout his long professional career as a hypnotherapist and clinical hypnosis professor. In a clear an enjoyable language, he develops the metaphor. The Secret Road of the Self. It symbolizes the way of achieving knowledge and mastery of the healing power of hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Within the book, we can find the following subjects: The cutting-edge theories and discoveries on the mind, memory, perception, and neurophysiology. Practical techniques and exercises to improve concentration, relaxation, induction to trance, age regression, overcoming phobias and fears. Healing practical cases: Stuttering Cancer (Psychosomatic tumors) Past lives Odontology anesthetics Quick techniques to overcome depressive states.

Author: Naranjo Alcega Phd, MR Juan Carlos, Translator: Garcia, Mrs Cecilia

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1532956991
Language: English
Pages: 290