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Skilled Helping Around the World: Addressing Diversity and Multiculturalism Booklet for Egan’s Essentials of Skilled Helping: Managing Problems, Devel



This booklet, written by Gerry Egan, with assistance from Rich McGourty and Hany Shamshoum (cultural insights and edits), demonstrates how the skills described in the Egan book apply to situations with people from different cultures. Egan relates anecdotes about his experiences abroad and in the U.S. with people from different cultures. He goes through the basic skills and describes how each should be used with diverse populations. Thirty-three personalizing exercises provide students with the opportunity to apply the skills covered in the booklet. Bundled free with every new copy of the text!

Author: Egan, Gerard

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 495092290
Language: English
Pages: 64