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Sleep Effects on Declarative Memory: An Experimental Analysis


SKU: INR-9783838349558 Category: Tags: , ,


Human long term memory can be categorized as Procedural and Declarative. Memory for faces is declarative and plays an essential role in social interactions. Face perception guides our behavior towards others in society. In order to understand the memory for faces its two components – face identity and face expression needs to be addressed. Recent research in Neuroscience suggests sleep modulates memory consolidation. However, researches targeting the effects of sleep on declarative memory has been largely inconclusive. The present work makes an attempt to investigate the role of sleep on memory for faces

Author: Kashyap, Naveen

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 3838349555
Language: English
Pages: 120

Additional information

Weight 0.41 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.28 in


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