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Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning



Social and emotional aspects of schooling and the learning environment can dramatically affect one’s attention, understanding, and memory for learning. This topic has been of increasing interest in both psychology and education, leading to an entire section being devoted to it in the third edition of the International Encyclopedia of Education. Thirty-three articles from the Encyclopedia form this concise reference which focuses on such topics as social and emotional development, anxiety in schools, effects of mood on motivation, peer learning, and friendship and social networks.

  • Saves researchers time in summarizing in one place what is otherwise an interdisciplinary field in cognitive psychology, personality, sociology, and education
  • Level of presentation focuses on critical research, leaving out the extraneous and focusing on need-to-know information
  • Contains contributions from top international researchers in the field
  • Makes MRW content affordable to individual researchers

Editor: Jarvela, Sanna

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 123814774
Language: English
Pages: 300

Additional information

Weight 2.29 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.3 × 0.7 in


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