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Stop the Bullying: A Handbook for Schools



‘A useful general introduction and handbook for school personnel concerned with bullying. It will not put anyone off by its length or style, and it is sensible.’ – Educational Research ‘The handbook has two main sections, ‘Understanding Bullying’ and ‘Action to Counter Bullying’. There is a brief introduction and a set of copyright free sheets, which include questionnaires for younger and older pupils, staff and parents, guidance on the substance of school policy on bullying, and other materials which could be useful in staff development.’ – Cambridge Journal of Education ‘This handbook is directed primarily at informing educators in schools but parents should also find it helpful as there is a need for teachers and parents to work collaboratively…The basic facts, ideas and suggested procedures here come from the author’s immersion in research on bullying and advice on using the handbook is provided to both educators and parents. These 70 pages of distilled advice should be very useful and offer practical support.’ – ACE Bulletin Bullying at school can damage both the physical and mental health of vulnerable children, causing a severe loss of self-esteem, increased anxiety, and difficulty in forming trusting relationships – problems that can persist into adulthood. As education authorities, schools and parent bodies increasingly look for ways to combat bullying, this book provides a well-researched and practical guide to working effectively with both victims and bullies. Based on a 10-year study of bullying in schools involving over 40,000 students, this clearly and succinctly presented handbook explores every aspect of peer victimisation and provides many examples of successful practice in dealing with it. With extensive references and copiable master resource sheets, this book is an essential guide for parents and educators who wish to address the problem of bullying in schools.

Author: Rigby, Ken

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1843100703
Language: English
Pages: 80