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Storytelling Heart: The Psychology of Happily Ever After


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Could you change your life by changing your internal story? Hollywood has taught us the secret for years. This book is that secret. Life has secrets.Counterintuitive secrets that can spur greatness.I have tried to collect as many secrets as I know and share them with the world.Do you want to know the greatest secret I have ever encountered?You are valuable.Many times we don’t see our own value. In this ADHD world of on-demand entertainment and cerebral experiences we often forget to breathe, let alone take the time to think about our personal value. It pains me to think that some people spend so much time enthralled in distractions that they forget to take inventory of self. It’s a scary thought to live and die and never know who you are or worse who you were.Here is another secret, it’s not enough just to know secrets. You must act on it.

Author: Ovalle, Nick

Topic: Inspirational
Media: Book
ISBN: 1546518142
Language: English
Pages: 208

Additional information

Weight 0.46 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 0.44 in


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