Successful Educators: A Practical Guide for Understanding Children’s Learning Problems and Mental Health Issues
An insider’s guide for educators who want to develop a better understanding of children’s learning problems. The text will be helpful for educators including classroom teachers, administrators, guidance counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, or graduate students who want to develop a better understanding of children’s learning problems.
The author presents a unique four-component model that will guide readers to a better of understanding of lack of success in school and what can be done about it. The first component looks at a student’s capacity to pay attention. The second component relates to the intellectual and academic abilities that are needed to be successful in school. The third component looks at the student’s desire to put forth the effort that is needed to be successful. The fourth and last component looks at the organizational skills that the student needs in order to complete his or her assignments in a satisfactory manner.
This work will be helpful for educators including classroom teachers, administrators, guidance counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, or graduate students who want to develop a better understanding of children’s learning problems. It will also be of use to parents who want to better understand the needs and challenges of educating a child experiencing learning problems in today’s schools.
Author: Naparstek, Nathan
Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 897899121
Language: English
Pages: 200
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