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Such Charming Exiles: How Two Gay Women Learned to Live Openly and Love Fiercely



SUCH CHARMING EXILES is a classic American story with a gay twist showing that self-awareness, courage and commitment enable two women to embrace who they are and declare their love openly.
Both authors are psychologists and professors who have been together for over forty years. Not only have they successfully pursued their professions, they have been activists, trying to change history: early on, protesting the Vietnam War; and then working for civil rights. They tell how they struggled against the invisibility and/or scorn of American society until finally they speak out proudly about their long relationship.

Although members of a closeted minority, they have lived the American story: Marilyn grew up in California, the child of Mormon parents and the first woman in her family to finish college; Betty grew up in the South Bronx, smart enough to be accepted to Manhattan’s prestigious Hunter College High School. Like all women, they had to deal with the many expectations of family, teachers and friends. As they struggled with their relationship, despite infidelity, alcoholism, and dishonesty, the fierceness of their love transformed them. The lessons they learned hold not only for gay women and their families, but for all women.

Author: Mehr, Marilyn, Author: Walker, Betty

Topic: Biography / Autobiography
Media: Book
ISBN: 1634920775
Language: English
Pages: 204