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Suicide: Living with the Question



SUICIDE: LIVING WITH THE QUESTION is a personal journey of healing and recovery. It shows how one family struggled to survive the agony and shock of a loved one’s suicide. Although it cannot answer the question of “why,” it can offer comfort as it asks other questions that open the possibility of looking at suicide in new ways. This book can offer solace to the many who are affected by suicide: Parents, siblings, spouses, children, friends, co-workers. For each individual left behind, the suicide is devastating. And the attitudes and lack of understanding in society add salt to the wound. SUICIDE: LIVING WITH THE QUESTION offers hope to others, a small ray of light to penetrate the dark shroud that covers the subject of suicide.

Author: Maxwell, Ruth H

Topic: Biography / Autobiography
Media: Book
ISBN: 1468555928
Language: English
Pages: 120

Additional information

Weight 0.41 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.28 in


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