Supercharge Your Life After 60!: 10 Tips to Navigate a Dynamic Decade
Supercharge Your Life After 60! 10 Tips to Navigate a Dynamic Decade is a great resource to help navigate life changes for anyone 60 and over, retired, or considering it. Critical life changes include retirement, drawing pensions, financial changes, Medicare, aging bodies, health challenges, and creating new life goals. Aging parents often require assistance or nursing care. Adult children may seek financial or housing assistance. It is the go to guide for anyone managing the lives of aging parents.
Though the decade from 60 to 70 will usher in many life changes, the practical tips in this book provide resources, and varying alternatives to help make the decisions for you and family members. The number of challenges can literally turn your life upside down. Supercharge Your Life After 60! 10 Tips to Navigate a Dynamic Decade provides vital information to support the decisions you will face.
A legal section that discusses the importance of creating wills, and living trusts to insure your wishes are completed as you want is included. This section also discusses the Advanced Medical Directive that speaks for you if you are incapacitated and unable to do so.
Supercharge Your Life After 60! 10 Tips to Navigate a Dynamic Decade includes a bonus section which discusses the culture of aging; valuable information for those caring for an aging population. Additionally, personal narratives by those who dealt with terminal illness, stroke victims, health challeges, divorce and more. These personal narratives provide insight into how someone resolved a personal challlenge; linking the community of others facing similar trials, which can strengthen them for their jouney.
Author: Ward, Vicki >
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 975516280
Language: English
Pages: 280
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