Supervision in Clinical Practice: A Practitioner’s Guide
This fully updated edition of Supervision in Clinical Practice: A Practitioner’s Guide is packed with practical examples from personal and professional experience. Since the publication of the first two editions, health and social care organisations have become increasingly risk averse, resources more strained, and moves have been made towards stifling levels of clinical governance. In this edition Joyce Scaife counters the idea of supervision as a constraint and challenges some of the thinking associated with ‘evidence-based’ practice when this focuses on what can be easily measured rather than what matters.
Joyce Scaife explores frequently encountered dilemmas including:
- How can supervisors facilitate learning?
- What are the ethical bases of supervision?
- What helps to create and maintain an effective working alliance?
- How can supervisors balance management and supervision roles?
- How can supervisors work equitably in an increasingly diverse and pluralistic world?
Supervision in Clinical Practice remains an indispensable text for supervisors and supervisees who practice clinically in a range of professions, including applied psychology, counselling, psychotherapy, psychiatry, nursing and social work.
Author: Scaife, Joyce
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1138651877
Language: English
Pages: 432
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