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Supervisory Couple in Broad-Spectrum Psychotherapy



Qualified therapists, as well as trainees, are now required to be supervised by an experienced therapist. This book is designed to help those who are just starting out as supervisors and those who may have been supervising for many years. Wyn Bramley proposes an apprenticeship system of supervision that would enable all qualified therapists to get involved. She stresses the need for internal monitoring for both parties and provides a method for this self-supervision. Particular problems, such as supervisees with difficult personality traits are discussed. There are also chapters on the role of ethics and philosophy in supervision, and on clinical teaching. Throughout the book, real case material provides illustration of the author’s proposals, ideas and discussions. In order to fulfil the increasing demand for professional accreditation and registration of new therapists, most existing practitioners will have to become supervisors, a skill which in turn will doubtless become accreditable. This book is therefore a must for therapists with an eye to their professional futures.

Author: Bramley, Wyn

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1853433535
Language: English
Pages: 220