Take Goldie’s Magical C.A.B. to Happy Land
Fears go hand in hand with childhood – How do you help your child cope with their fears? In this fun, delightful, engaging, simple but profound book, clinical psychologist Lynne Woolfson offers a solution: Take a Fairy CAB to happy land. C=Calm: Breathe in one, two; breathe out, one two. A=Action: Fill a balloon with bad thoughts and send it flying to the moon. B=Be Happy: Think of something that makes you giggle. This simple formula –CAB – offers distraction and relaxation, allowing your child to transform negative, fearful thoughts into calm, relaxing, and healing ones. It should be by the bedside of every young child. Reading this fun story to your child before going to sleep will not only help him or her learn to self-calm and think positively but will lay a foundation for developing a positive mindset to enable your child to lead a happier, more fulfilling life.
Author: Woolfson Ma, Lynne
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 154715909X
Language: English
Pages: 40
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