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Tale of the Chameleon: A Memoir: How I Loved, Married and Survived a Covert Narcissist with 25 Relationship Rules to Live by



“Tale Of The Chameleon” is a memoir: How I loved, married and survived a covert narcissist. Author suppies 25 relationship rules to live by. “when a relationship starts you are …dealing with surface appearances and elements for awhile.” Do you really KNOW who you’re married to? “i can’t find one absolute point in time which i can point to and say: “there. this is when the beginning of the end began.” he ..”.made everything seem innocuous… my…” being was ..”.being bent ever so slightly, ever so slowly. it wasn’t …noticeable …it was dawning on me that…” what ..”.i was composed of…” was ..”.being cut up… dissected… it’s called decomposition. just like a rotting carcass… you have slowly but surely moved away from…” your comfortable togetherness. ..”.from here on in, you can kiss your regular, safe…” relationship ..”.good bye because you’re past the point of no return.”

“love is the truest test of courage.”

Author: Dunsmuir, Dezarae

Topic: Love / Sex / Marriage
Media: Book
ISBN: 1949276287
Language: English
Pages: 278

Additional information

Weight 1.19 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.69 in


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