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Tantrum Survival Guide: Tune in to Your Toddler’s Mind (and Your Own) to Calm the Craziness and Make Family Fun Again



If you are the parent of a toddler or preschooler, chances are you know a thing or two about tantrums. While those epic meltdowns can certainly be part of “normal” toddler behavior, they are still maddening, stressful, and exhausting–for everyone involved. What can you do to keep your cool and help your child calm down? Rebecca Schrag Hershberg, child psychologist and mother of two, has a unique understanding of both the science behind tantrums and what works in the heat of the moment to nip blowups in the bud. With her customizable plan, you’ll learn:

*Why your toddler’s developing brain is hardwired for “big emotions.”
*What you may be doing (unintentionally) to encourage outbursts.
*Ways to use structure and routines to help your child feel secure.
*How to reduce tantrums at tough times of day, from wake-up to bedtime.
*Strategies for managing tantrums under difficult circumstances, from travel to moving to divorce.
*Ways to deepen your parent-child connection–starting right now.

A Greater Good Favorite Parenting Book of 2018

Author: Hershberg, Rebecca Schrag, Foreword by: Siegel, Daniel J

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1462529712
Language: English
Pages: 250

Additional information

Weight 0.7 lbs
Dimensions 8.9 × 5.9 × 0.7 in


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