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Therapy Cracks Me Up!: Cartoons about Psychotherapy


SKU: INR-9781544748894 Category: Tags: , , ,


Therapy Cracks Me Up is an insightful and humorous collection of cartoons about psychotherapy. It is created by a psychotherapist who has cartooned her way through a career working with kids, teens, adults and seniors. This book reveals many of the joys, pains and frustrations of the human condition as they show up in the therapy hour (“Clem the Stem Cell has an identity crisis”). Clients baffled by rapidly changing political, social and cultural forces (“Potato Head experiments with gender identity”) and therapists dealing with ever-changing therapeutic modalities, diagnoses (“Diagnosis by Daisy Petal Picking”) and medications are depicted here to enlighten and amuse you. Therapy Cracks Me Up provides a comic perspective on every age, from childhood (“I have attention deficit disorder – I need more attention!”), through teens and young adulthood, married life (“I didn’t start the fight – that was a pre-emptive strike!”), middle age and the senior years (“I not only have a bucket list – I have a f*ck-it list”). The whimsical drawings and situations appeal to therapists and clients alike, as well as anyone who has ever read a self-help book or Googled a diagnosis.

Author: Rosenfeld, Jean

Topic: Humor
Media: Book
ISBN: 1544748892
Language: English
Pages: 104

Additional information

Weight 0.26 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5.25 × 0.22 in


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