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Transformational Nlp: A New Psychology



Why do people have so much difficulty achieving their goals, making big changes, and becoming the people they want to be? If we can imagine it, why can’t we achieve it? Transformational NLP: A New Psychology offers a new understanding of how the brain really works and how we can use this knowledge for personal change and growth. Describing the evolution of the brain, Carl Buchheit explains how humans are conditioned by creature-level neurological programming which, while working hard to make sure we survive, also keeps us from expressing ourselves fully in the realms of love and our personal purpose in life. When we want to change our thought and behavior patterns, we find that we are limited by our deeply ingrained habits, our unconscious beliefs, and our self-defined identities. We try a variety of therapies and techniques to overcome limitations, but this rarely works. This book is about who we really are and how our brains really operate. When we understand how our brains work, we can quickly learn to work with and not against ourselves, and change becomes possible. While Transformational NLP has its basis in NLP, and uses many tools of NLP, it has evolved into a very different paradigm. The book investigates the history of NLP, from its intellectual antecedents in the science and philosophies of Alfred Korzybski and Noam Chomsky to the ground-breaking work of John Grinder and Richard Bandler and their brilliant student Robert Dilts, and shows how this direct, powerful, and elegant means for personal growth has developed and changed over its more than forty years of evolution. When a clinical psychologist, Jonathan Rice, started using these potent NLP tools in his own practice, and taught his methods to Carl Buchheit, this started a new branch of both psychology and NLP. Transformational NLP incorporates material drawn from, or inspired by, the holographic model of the universe as explained by physicist David Bohm, the basic premises and implications of twentieth and twenty-first century quantum mechanics, Bert Hellinger’s trans-generational, systemic constellation work, and the metaphysics of the perennial philosophy such as described by Aldous Huxley. It offers breakthrough insights and unique methods–neuro-linguistic and otherwise–that Buchheit has developed over the course of more than three decades, working with thousands of clients. Buchheit explains that the key to change is to have more “rapport with self” by understanding the positive intentions in our unconscious that motivated our thoughts and behavior in the past. He shows how it is possible to alter the meaning of the past so it leads to the future we desire, and he uses the principles of quantum physics to assist the client to manifest an alternative reality. He demonstrates that we can become free of our unconscious addiction to the patterns of loss and pain that were set in motion by the suffering of our ancestors, generations before we were born. Most importantly, he describes new approaches and methods that empower people to have more choice in their lives, and to achieve their dreams by becoming more and more of who they really are and who they want to be. This book will be of great interest to all students of NLP as well as to psychologists, social workers, mental health workers, teachers, historians, and philosophers. It will especially appeal to many people who are interested in personal transformation and gaining entirely new perspectives about understanding and changing our human experience.

Author: Buchheit, Carl, Author: Schamber, Ellie

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1940468515
Language: English
Pages: 232

Additional information

Weight 0.9 lbs
Dimensions 8.9 × 6 × 0.7 in


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