Treating Family of Origin Problems: A Cognitive Approach
This groundbreaking volume shows how the clarity and discipline of cognitive therapy can be applied to the treatment of family of origin issues, such as alcoholism and incest, without compromising depth and clinical sophistication. Unique in its use of an integrative cognitive model and structured techniques, the book shows how ideas highlighted in other orientations – from family therapy to Twelve-Step and “Recovery” programs – can be translated into cognitive terms and incorporated into a cognitive approach. Realistically conveying the complex nature of the treatment process, it presents the diverse elements of successful therapy as concepts and techniques that can be applied in a wide variety of cases. Treating Family of Origin Problems begins with a discussion of the characteristics of dysfunctional families and an overview of the cognitive model. Subsequent chapters explore coping strategies, goals of recovery and treatment, diagnostic considerations, and assessment of family of origin issues. Ways in which the therapist’s own family of origin issues and the therapist’s posture can influence the treatment process are addressed in a discussion of various metacommunicative elements that can affect the client’s ability to use treatment constructively. Throughout, illustrative clinical material shows how clinicians can utilize embedded messages and other techniques to circumvent resistance; confront various types of acting-out behavior while remaining in a supportive, collaborative posture; and provide a consistent focus in treatment. The volume concludes with discussions of building coping strategies, utilizing relationship material, and variations in the recovery process. Written formental health professionals from a wide variety of disciplines and theoretical backgrounds, Treating Family of Origin Problems will provide clinicians who have had little or no exposure to cognitive therapies with a guide to formulating an active treatment plan that can be susta
Author: Bedrosian, Richard C, Author: Bozicas, George D
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 089862178X
Language: English
Pages: 384
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