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Understanding and Using Groups



This work, by an experienced groupwork practitioner and lecturer, offers a sound general introduction to working with groups. The author covers:

  • group dynamics and the group process
  • the various groupwork methodologies such as transactional analysis, assertion and social skills training and Gestalt.
  • The use of groups in different kinds of health and social services agencies and in other settings
  • Common problems in group relationships

A list of organisations and full reading list are included. The work has become a standard text for groupwork courses in all settings – nursing, education, mental health, counselling, social care and work and staff development work. It also offers a helpful reference tool for experienced groupworkers seeking to widen their understanding and areas of work. Brenda Vernelle is a freelance groupwork consultant and trainer and a former Lecturer in Social Work at Huddersfield Polytechnic.

Author: Vernelle, B

Topic: Politics / Current Events
Media: Book
ISBN: 1871177618
Language: English
Pages: 240