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Urban Myths about Learning and Education: Part 2



Urban Myths about Learning and Education examines things people commonly believe to be true about education but that are not supported by scientific evidence, and provides the truth of what research has really shown about each topic. The book is broken into sections on learning, the brain, technology, and educational policy, concluding with a discussion of why these myths are so persistent. Written in an engaging style, Kirschner and Clark tackle pervasive myths such as learning styles, the left brain/right brain split, and gender differences in learning, and effectively separate fact from fiction regarding learning and education.

Author: de Bruyckere, Pedro, Author: Kirschner, Paul A, Author: Hulshof, Casper

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 815354576
Language: English
Pages: 168

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Weight 2 lbs


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