Validation in Psychology
Why do we respond to others-both to their physical appearances and to their personalities? What are the social influences on face perception? Current research perspectives on physical appearance by distinguished behavioral scientists from around the world were brought together in a special issue of Current Psychology and are offered here in a useful compendium.
Chapters and contributors include: “Assessing the State of Organizational Safety-Culture or Climate?” Kathryn J. Mearns and Rhona Flin; “Why Did It Happen to Me? Social Cognition Processes in Adjustment and Recovery from Criminal Victimization and Illness” by Malcolm D. MacLeod; “What’s in a Name, What’s in a Place? The Role of Verbal Labels in Distinct Cognitive Tasks” by J.B. Deegowski, D.M. Parker, and P. George; “On Disregarding Deviants: Exemplar Typicality and Person Perception” by C. Neil Macrae, Galen V. Bodenhausen, Alan B. Milne, and Luigi Castelli; “Mood in Chronic Disease: Questioning the Answers” by Marie Johnston; “The Emotional Impact of Faces (but not Names): Face Specific Changes in Skin Conductance Responses to Familiar and Unfamiliar People” by Hadyn D. Ellis, Angela H. Quayle, and Andrew W. Young; “Average Faces are Average Faces” by Jim Pollard, John Shepard, and Jean Shepard; “Computer Graphic Studies of the Role of Facial Similarity in Judgments of Attractiveness” by I.S. Penton-Voak, D.I. Perrett, and J.W. Peirce; “One Extreme or the Other, or Perhaps the Golden Mean? Issues of Spatial Resolution in Face Processing” by Dennis M. Parker and Nicholas P. Costen; “The Impact of Character Attribution on Composite Production: A Real World Effect?” by Graham Davies and Heidi Oldman; “Repetition Priming of Face Gender Judgments: An Instance Based Explanation” by Dennis C. Hay.
Validation in Psychology will benefit students, researchers, and practitioners of psychology, criminology, sociology, and experts in organizational behavior who are concerned with the impact of physical appearance on health psychology, crime, organizational safety, and above all, person perception.
Editor: Ellis, Hadyn
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 765806479
Language: English
Pages: 191
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