Viral: How Friends and Family Make Us Sick, Stupid and Sad
Every human has enormous talent and seeks to realize their full potential. We all want to be unique, special, good and extraordinary. But most of us today are not exceptional. Most of us have not yet discovered and fully developed our talents and we are not contributing to society. We instinctively want to fit in, be normal, and belong. Our urge to be accepted and loved compels us to conform by adopting the attitudes of others. We think and behave how our friends and family expect us to. Often, the attitudes and beliefs promoted by our friends and family do not facilitate individual growth. They suffocate our personal development and influence decisions that often result in dissatisfaction, sadness, frustration, anger, stress, and even depression and illness. We become so burdened with health, security, and relationship issues, that we have no time, energy or resources to develop our talents and achieve our full potential as human beings. We are caught as individuals and as a society-in crises created and compounded by our strong allegiance to friends and family.
Author: Capone, Prof Dr Michael J
Topic: Young Adult Social Situations
Media: Book
ISBN: 1546211195
Language: English
Pages: 378
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