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Visible Learning Day by Day: Hands-On Teaching Tools Proven to Increase Student Achievement



Be a Better Teacher

You want the best for your students. But how do you know which techniques really work? Visible Learning Day by Day has the answers. Packed with 50 proven strategies, this workbook provides classroom-ready worksheets, resources and self-evaluations to help you implement visible learning in:

– Collaboration with educators
– Teacher clarity and goal setting
– Parent communication
– Math and literacy programs
– Instruction planning
– Classroom management
– Assessment and grading

This innovative approach to teaching makes students active participants in their own education. Visible learning will improve your student’s growth by making the teaching process open and accessible to them.

Author: Durden, Felicia, Ed D

Topic: Education / Teaching
Media: Book
ISBN: 1612437656
Language: English
Pages: 176

Additional information

Weight 0.45 lbs
Dimensions 8.9 × 5.9 × 0.6 in


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