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Visual Perception, Part 2: Fundamentals of Awareness: Multi-Sensory Integration and High-Order Perception



This book presents a collection of articles reflecting state-of-the-art research in visual perception, specifically concentrating on neural correlates of perception. Each section addresses one of the main topics in vision research today. Part 2: Fundamentals of Awareness, Multi-Sensory Integration and High-Order Perception covers topics from filling-in to visual awareness to crossmodal interactions. A variety of methodological approaches are represented, including single-neuron recordings, fMRI and optical imaging, psychophysics, eye movement characterization and computational modelling. The contributions will provide the reader with a valuable perspective on the current status of vision research, and more importantly, with critical insight into future research directions and the discoveries yet to come.

– Provides a detailed breakdown of the neural and psychophysical bases of Perception
– Presents never-before-published original discoveries
– Includes multiple full-color illustrations

Editor: Martinez-Conde, Susana, Editor: Macknik, S, Editor: Martinez, Maria M, Editor: Alonso, Jose-Manuel, Editor: Tse, Peter U

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 444519270
Language: English
Pages: 326