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What All Children Need: Theory and Application



Children need to feel valued regardless of their appearance, behavior, or level of achievement. Each child’s needs are different; consequently, they must be addressed with a variety of methods. In What All Children Need, Linda Dunlap provides information and guidance to assist those who are helping children grow. Although concepts and ideas from numerous educational and psychological theorists will be included, the framework for this book is based upon Abraham Maslow’s seven levels within his “Hierarchy of Needs.” Maslow’s theory has not been promoted previously as a major model in understanding how to help children develop. Dunlap’s intent is to provide concrete and practical examples of ways to nurture developmental needs of children in relation to Maslow’s theory.

Author: Dunlap, Linda L

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 761822739
Language: English
Pages: 299