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When My Baba Died



This picture book for ages 5-10 beautifully illustrates the steps a family takes when a Slavic Orthodox Christian loved one dies. We follow the progression from the funeral home visitation and Pomen, to the church ceremony, and finally the cemetery graveside service. Along the way we answer the most commonly asked questions children have about death and funerals, we alleviate fears by explaining in a gentle way what to expect as we move through the process, and we affirm the comfort of the Orthodox Faith. Includes a foreword by V. Rev. Dr. Milos Vesin and a useful glossary that defines newly encountered terms.

Author: Kunch, Marjorie, Foreword by: Vesin, Father Milos

Topic: Children’s Books/All Ages
Media: Book
ISBN: 099640452X
Language: English
Pages: 56

Additional information

Weight 0.34 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 8.5 × 0.15 in


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