Wild Region of Lived Experience: Using Somatic-Psychoeducation
The Wild Region of Lived Experience introduces the emerging discipline of somatic-psychoeducation, a powerful body-mind modality developed over a period of 25 years by author Danis Bois. Somatic-psychoeducation uses aspects of manual therapy (touch), movement, and psychotherapeutic methods to help people heal from physical and emotional issues, as well as develop their maximum potential for balance, well-being, and creativity. Considering the person as a body-mind unit, this method aims to resolve physical pain and psychological suffering, thereby helping the subject regain the sure sense of his or her life. By teaching people to perceive, to feel, and to reflect, they learn from their bodies and from events in their lives.
Parts I and II of the book provide a general description of somatic-psychoeducation, as seen through Bois’s career path and personal experience. Part III introduces the idea of “bodymind tuning,” which involves methods of touch, movement, introspection, and verbal dialogue to connect the patient more fully to his or her body, thoughts, and behavior. Part IV explores the origin and evolution of physical and psychological pain and explains how somatic-psychoeducation helps people heal. This is an ideal reference for movement educators and therapists, as well as those seeking a holistic approach to their own healing.
Author: Bois, Danis
Topic: New Age / Body, Mind & Spirit
Media: Book
ISBN: 155643748X
Language: English
Pages: 186
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