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Woman’s Way Through the Twelve Steps



Geared specifically to women, this book brings a feminine perspective to the Twelve Step program, searching out the healing messages beneath the male-oriented words.

Recovery is not a man’s world, and yet to a woman it can sometimes seem that way. Geared specifically to that woman, this book brings a feminine perspective to the Twelve Step program, searching out the healing messages beneath the male-oriented words. Based on an open exploration and a flexible interpretation of the Twelve Steps, this new perspective takes into account the psychological development of women as it relates to addiction and recovery, as well as the social and cultural factors that affect women in particular. Acknowledging that recovery raises special issues for women–from questions about sexuality, relationships, and everyday life to anxieties about speaking up at mixed-gender meetings–A Woman’s Way through the Twelve Steps focuses directly on the feminine experience of addiction and healing. The author explores the Twelve Steps one by one, reiterating each in its traditional language, then explaining and illustrating it in a way that highlights a woman’s experience–empowering the reader to take ownership of her own recovery process as well as her growth as a woman.

Author: Covington, Stephanie S

Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 894869930
Language: English
Pages: 251

Additional information

Weight 0.55 lbs
Dimensions 7.3 × 5 × 0.5 in


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