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Words Stuck in a Bottle: Poetry on Addiction Recovery


SKU: INR-9781725533783 Category: Tags: , ,


I sigh, close my eyes, as I realize that I hardly so simply require to ride this long task out. Grab the handles, brace the brakes, and pray do I not pull the wrong one to send me over rails, pray I not jump the rails into the thick, heavy waters and drown myself nightly, come back up the next morning, taking the poundings of headaches I could endure, I have endured far simpler than this, oh, pray I not require diving in nightly to withstand the current, I need a boat that has no holes, a boat that’s balanced if I am ever to make it to land, I need to ride this out as if a mountain bike is my only transportation, and the only land about is mudded, rumbling, rocky terrain that’s unbalanced in the very highest essence of the word, I need, I want, I desire, I dream to ride this out, and not find myself braking so hard, so fast just to cope with the road that I go over the railing once more.

Author: Hickman, Amelia

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1725533782
Language: English
Pages: 110

Additional information

Weight 0.35 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.23 in


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