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Two Sane


SKU: INR-9780615909622 Category: Tags: , ,


A psychological documentation through poetic and artistic memoirs that revealed to the author that his entries were just two different personalities of himself that were trying to communicate with each other to make them both self-aware of the duality their own separate existences. This collection of material was written in a scattered chaos of pieces that were in a non-sequitur order. Each piece was artistically fueled by raw undeniable emotions, they were sourced by a high intelligence and perception, and they were later organized into chapters for the reader. This book goes through the thoughts of someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder, which contains a universal range of subject matter including humans, love, society, drugs, earth, government, spirit, art, creation, psychology, and self. This book helped the author find out who he really was, has helped blast informational light to countless people that read it understand themselves better, the disorder better, and the combined sum of these moments we call our life better. When one is able to understand an abnormality that is the very action that defines what we all consider normal.

Author: Freeman, Zachary Philip

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 615909620
Language: English
Pages: 416

Additional information

Weight 1.22 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.85 in


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