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In the Eye of Einstein: Accessing Your Higher Mind


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With all the technology available to us today, it is important to realize that computers and machines will never be able to envision, imagine, perceive, channel and generate ideas, nor will they be able to teach you how to do so. To do such a thing, it requires direct human to human interaction and the conscious retraining of the stimulus response mechanism in all of us. Yet our culture is being deluded and duped to think that this is still possible with technology. For example certain websites, claim to help you expand your brain. Well this is a half truth. It does speed up your brain and dilate some neural pathways, but the pathways it develops are those of memory. Even better comprehension is still about memories, just a bigger collection of them. It does not teach you how to envision and think objectively. The neural pathways to that are in completely different parts of the brain. In fact all those websites can do is show you how to imitate a computer and be faster at it. In other words all dressed up for thinking but nowhere to go. Now this does not mean that memory isn’t important, but it is not thinking. It is also important to understand that human to human interaction of brain training is irreplaceable and the most important factor of human development. The ability to envision and think objectively is the defining principal of intelligent life. This separates us from any other living species and being a totally mechanical one. With the momentum of enticing technological advances, it is the most crucial factor to get right in our lifetimes or forever hold our peace. We now have generation after generation of youth that are growing up immersed in the technological misconception that computing tools and accumulating of facts is critical thinking and the educational system is contributing, if not driving this debacle. The emphasis on math and science, to the exclusion of the arts and creativity is a death nil of the greater human potential. We as adults are being constantly wooed and bombarded with technology. Look at the lines for the new i-phones and X-Boxes. See how the most successful films are about complete fantasy worlds as well as video games where the visualization process of your own minds are replaced by other predetermined fantasies already spelled out for you. Real Thinking is not the accumulation of more and more information and the associative properties of it. Thinking is a whole other processes, that makes your mind step back and objectively observe information, visualize and bring in ideas outside of ourselves and see how to relate it to not only other ideas, but to ideas that have not even been thought of yet. So where do you go to learn how to actually think and visualize; not just memorize and calculate? As I mentioned, schools aren’t teaching it, computers and so called brain training websites are not teaching it. Maybe in some more advanced higher learning classes in ethics and philosophy people might be challenged to think about things differently. Up until now there is still not an actual method that is specifically designed to teach you not just the different processes of learning and expanding your learning capacity, but how to visualize solutions and utilize what you have learned at the same time. This is where the value of this book comes into the picture. You will learn about the different thinking processes, how to access them and set priorities of different levels of thinking. This also means that you can tap into this vast connected array of filaments from your own back yard and eventually catch up to the stream of thought of those who have traveled that stream before you. That makes it easier to catch up with them now, because they have already blazed the path of how to get there Can our visions create the universe or does the universe creates our visions? Find out how both are true.

Author: Laurence Phd, Elliot

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1494770008
Language: English
Pages: 248

Additional information

Weight 0.64 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.52 in


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