5-Minute Worry Therapy Cure: Overcome Anxiety & Attain Relaxation
Do your loved ones get anxious and panic over some minor issues? This guide shares with you the alternative ways to ease anxiety and relax yourself to overcome traumatic past when flashbacks trigger it. Inside you will discover: – The root causes of anxiety disorder to enable you to detect early and seek help immediately – How to differentiate a normal anxiety versus an unhealthy one in order not to confuse with an anxiety disorder to avoid being over reactive – A proven anxiety relief method recommended by professional after thousands of studies to put you in a better recovery position – 5-Minute technique to cope with anxiety to regain your mental stability – Organic remedies to help you avoid the side effects of medication that may be detrimental to your health – Using CBT and some simple practices to control in-moment fear, thereby helping yourself or your loved ones to quickly calm down and feel relaxed – And much, much more! (Bonus gift is enclosed inside)
Author: Caroline, Elizabeth
Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 1722157879
Language: English
Pages: 72
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