Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Distinctive Features
What are the distinctive theoretical and practical features of acceptance and commitment therapy?
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a modern behaviour therapy that uses acceptance and mindfulness interventions alongside commitment and behaviour change strategies to enhance psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility refers to the ability to contact the present moment and change or persist in behaviour that serves one’s personally chosen values.
Divided into two sections, The Distinctive Theoretical Features of ACT and The Distinctive Practical Features of ACT, this book summarises the key features of ACT in 30 concise points and explains how this approach differs from traditional cognitive behaviour therapy.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy provides an excellent guide to ACT. Its straightforward format will appeal to those who are new to the field and provide a handy reference tool for more experienced clinicians.
Author: Flaxman, Paul E, Author: Blackledge, J T, Author: Bond, Frank W
Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 415450667
Language: English
Pages: 172
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