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After Religion: Scientific Spirituality: The Next Stage of Consciousness


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The most important evolutionary development in the history of our species has been the gradual emergence of a radically new form of consciousness. The scientific understanding of the human mind has now advanced sufficiently to show that our present form of consciousness, rational self-consciousness, is simply a form of our original, primate consciousness. Seen from a scientific perspective, this normal way of thinking, which every culture inculcates in its members, is inherently conflicted and therefore unhealthy. It is the root cause of most of the individual and societal problems in the world today. This new way of thinking makes it possible for the human mind to fully integrate all of its needs and desires, which is impossible if we are limited to our normal consciousness. Our species must evolve into this new kind of consciousness if it is ever to reach its full potential for both individualism and a fully functioning form of civilization. This book explains the origin of normal consciousness and how it can be modified to release the full potential of the human mind. Scientific psychology has just now begun to uncover the neurological that evolved to make our species so unique. It all springs from the natural selection that produced language. This achievement required a dramatic increase in brain plasticity and a byproduct of that development is our ability to intentionally associate any experience with any other experience. It is this ability to learn to link any two synaptic patterns in the brain that has given us, as a community, the power to create any environment of our choosing. We have never understood the full implications of this ability by this book will show what a quantum leap this can be for the future of life on earth.

Author: McNamara, Thomas E

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1478347996
Language: English
Pages: 94

Additional information

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.19 in


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