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Aphasiology, Volume 21: An International, Interdisciplinary Journal


SKU: INR-9781841698212 Category: Tags: , ,


This special issue of Aphasiology examines the issues of access and inclusion as experienced by people with aphasia. A comprehensive editorial introduces the seven papers drawn from four different countries, and the issue reflects a balance of theoretical papers, detailed descriptions of access in practice, and research reports. The volume focuses on access and inclusion/exclusion in relation to information, communication, conversation and social interactions, community and life participation, health care, decision making, and service planning and delivery. The papers and their implications are relevant to clinicians and researchers across acute, rehabilitation, and community healthcare setting, as well as community social services.

Editor: Cruice, Madeline

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1841698210
Language: English
Pages: 136

Additional information

Weight 0.55 lbs
Dimensions 9.5 × 6.5 × 0.3 in


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