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Art of Adaptability: Exclusively Featuring the 4/4’s (s) for Newly Disabled and Diagnosed Persons


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Have you experienced a traumatic change in your life that has led you to feeling lost and confused? It could be a diagnosis, the loss of a loved-one, or even a turning of age that will force you to adapt to what lies ahead. You can now face life head on as Yvette Pegues unlocks the secret that most people have tried to hide for years, which is that everyone has an invisible disability – whether we can see it or not. We are adapting at every stage of our lives. The Art of Adaptability was designed to transform the lives of individuals with disabilities that are seen and unseen from an Adaptability Coach and Disability Expert that just refuses to quit. The exclusive 4/4’s(c) program exists to help the newly disabled and diagnosed persons cope with how their lives have dramatically changed in a productive and meaningful manner. The 4/4(c) program is tested and proven by Yvette’s personal experiences, research and is based on the idea that everyone has a hidden disability even if it’s not obvious to the world. Pegues teaches readers how to take back their dignity by learning to love and appreciate what they do have even when it feels too hard to keep going on. Her inspirational words and highly beneficial reflection exercises will guide readers as they enhance their adaptability skills and pursue their destiny. This book is recommended for the survivor, family, friends, and medical professionals of the newly diagnosed and disabled person to help everyone #LiveForward!

Author: Pegues M Ed, Yvette

Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 1511562331
Language: English
Pages: 132

Additional information

Weight 0.97 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 0.34 in


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