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Baby Body Language: 100 Ways to Understand Babies & Toddlers



What is your baby telling you? Here are 100 ways to interpret the messages they’re sending to you in body language.

From the moment they’re born, babies have an arsenal of “parent-trapping weapons” at their disposal, from their large eyes to their ability to give simple signs of recognition. Understanding these telltale postures and gestures can make you a more effective, aware parent, better able to meet your child’s needs. Baby Body Language offers essential insight into a child’s thought processes, covering common issues ranging from teething and potty training to separation anxiety and sibling rivalry. With this easy-to-use reference in hand, you’ll feel more confident in your ability to interpret a child’s behavior, spot signs of anxiety, and head off tantrums.

Author: Howard, Emma

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1911163515
Language: English
Pages: 208