Beautiful Evolution: Overcoming Adversity Through Art
Authentic Forms of Art that Stem from the Trials and Tribulations within my HeArt.
I realize I have an Idea worth spreading, from my human experience of Shhh..Ame to understanding the meaning of my heART. It makes us all vulnerable to tell our stories and it is easier to wear a suit of armor to cover our scars.
It is an Easy Journey to Self Doubt.
My insides are sick of feeling I am never enough. Who is to blame? Why is that language instilled inside of me? The Source of my behavior of nEver being enough. Wounding stems from the knowledge of being hurt and open to attack or damage. Scars have meaning and stories to tell but do we ever allow them to fully heal?
I was desperate for answers of self identity and personal happiness to create a miraculous transformation. I committed to Change and had A Spiritual Awakening.
I hope my Story of Self discovery will help benefit others who are also searching for their Happiness. To Drop old habits and Embrace new paradigms of Living and Acceptance.
I recall my struggles and am grateful for my determination and focus on courage and now I find strength in other people’s eyes and know that I am nEver a victim. Forgiving gives new paths for your own life in order to change course for our kids. We should come together when we are torn at our senses, to create a community of compassion for those seeking help. Being raised to live wholeheartedly. It is human nature to remember traumatic and painful occurrences in our life.
Author: Nami Kim, Annie
Topic: Art & Art Instruction
Media: Book
ISBN: 1946697117
Language: English
Pages: 154
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