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Binge Eating Sobriety Solution: The Food Addiction Recovery Workbook



Are you addicted to, or recovering from any eating disorder? Whether it be alcohol or drugs, prescription meds, sex, gambling, porn, or the internet, compulsive behaviors are cunning, baffling and destroying families nationwide and internationally.

Like autistic and cancer traits, addictive behaviors fall on a spectrum — and they are known to be a normal response to an extreme situation, often stemming from childhood. However, this notebook is not an informational book, but a workbook for men and women who are in recovery from addiction. This is your relapse prevention workbook.

If you have recently left treatment or rehab, you are going through addiction counseling or recovery coaching, this book will especially then help you in your eventual recovery. Use this book and your recovery journal and addiction recovery book and your life will be forever changed. So far, there is no equivalent compulsive behavior recovery book that helps to heal and rewire your brain from addictions.

This book offers evidence-based techniques fusing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and mindfulness-based relapse prevention to help you move past your addictive behaviors. Are your going through addictive behavior counseling? This book will help you stop your addictions and heal your mind.

On the long road to addiction recovery, you need as many tools as possible to help you stay sober and reach your destination. The book can be used on its own or as an adjunct to rehab, therapy or coaching. It also makes a rich recovery resource for loved ones and professionals treating addiction.

Ready to start living the life you’ve always wanted? This book can help you prevent relapse long term, beat your addiction and get back to living a full and meaningful life.

Author: Mulipah, Brian

Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 1729635458
Language: English
Pages: 112