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Blue Queen


SKU: INR-9780692142516 Category: Tags: , , ,


This was originally a sequel to my first book, which I have since taken off the market. I plan to make a prequel out of it at some point in the future, usung the first book (which was horrible) as a template. I have no idea why this description is necessary, or why you require two hundred words. It’s a little annoying. It had been 7 years since his mission with Lexie, but he still thought about her. And Danielle…He had been with Taylor for the past 15 years off and on. He had been undercover as an outlaw biker for the past year. It was almost time for the payoff, the IRA wanted to run guns through the club. Erik knew that things could go sideways and the club could get hurt. He would do everything hew could to prevent that from happening. Life was full of surprises, but he was still shocked when Lexie showed up in Seattle. The wreckage from his past was about to hit him between the eyes. And he still had lots of people to kill…

Author: Nielsen, Scott F

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 692142517
Language: English
Pages: 426

Additional information

Weight 1.25 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.87 in


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