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Borrowed Narratives: Using Biographical and Historical Grief Narratives with the Bereaving



What do Dexter King, Condoleeza Rice, Mackenzie King, Corazon Aquino, Eleanor Roosevelt, Bill Cosby, Tony Dungy, Theodore Roosevelt, George H. W. and Barbara Bush, Caroline Kennedy, Arthur Ashe, Lady Bird Johnson, Colin Powell and C. S. Lewis have in common? They all have significant grief experiences that have shaped their lives in dramatic ways, stories that have also shaped our lives.

Grieving individuals, through “borrowing narratives,” look for inspiration in biographic, historical and memoir accounts of political and religious leaders, celebrities, sports figures, and cultural icons. In a time of diminishing trust in heroes and “sainted leaders,” who will speak to us from their grief? In a diverse society grief counselors and educators need to identify and “mine” the experienced grief(s) of historical personalities for resources for reflection and meaning-making. This book will help readers:

  • find, “read,” evaluate, extract, and adapt historical/biographical materials
  • create bio-narrative resources for use in grief counseling and grief education
  • explore the wide diversity of experienced grief in biographical narratives
  • identify ways to “harness” grief narratives for personal reflection.

Author: Smith, Harold Ivan

Topic: Psychology
Media: Book
ISBN: 1138110558
Language: English
Pages: 299

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs


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