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Call to Greatness: A Teenager’s Guide to Real Success in the Real World



Greatness, Anyone?Each of us has one life and 24 hours a day to make the most of it. Each of us chooses what we think and what we do every moment of every day. Every little thing we do matters, because the little things add up. You can treat life as a gift or you can take it for granted. You can make the most of time or you can waste it. You can accept what life offers or take what you want from it.You decide who you will be and what you will do with the life you’ve been given.What will you do?Who will you be?Combining philosophy and psychology with practical insight, psychotherapist and teen expert Frank Shapirotakes readers on a guided tour of Realityand the paths necessary for those seekingmore than the ordinary in Life-for those few seeking Greatness.

Author: Shapiro, Frank

Topic: Philosophy
Media: Book
ISBN: 1432784560
Language: English
Pages: 150

Additional information

Weight 0.37 lbs
Dimensions 7.99 × 5 × 0.35 in


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