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If you or someone you love uses cocaine, you owe it to yourself to read this book.

Once considered the “champagne of drugs” because its high price made it available only to the wealthy, cocaine has become the recreational drug of choice for Americans from all walks of life. And with more widespread use has come a higher percentage of abuse.

Written by two physicians on the faculty of Harvard Medical School who have vast experience in the treatment of addiction, Cocaine offers a thoughtful, straightforward and comprehensive survey of the drug and its effects. You will learn:

– The latest medical evidence on how it affects the mind and body.
– The symptoms of cocaine abuse.
– How–and how soon–dependence develops.
– How family members can offer support and guidance to relatives in trouble.
– How to get the abuser to seek help and the treatment alternatives available.
– The hazards of cocaine in the workplace and how to guard against them.

Cocaine also answers the questions most often asked by the public, by occasional users, addicts and their family members, and by medical professionals. A self-test for cocaine dependence and a state-by-state guide to cocaine abuse treatment facilities make this the one book that tells you everything you need to know.

Author: Weiss, Roger D

Topic: Self-Help
Media: Book
ISBN: 345351355
Language: English
Pages: 192