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Domestic Violence Survivor: Heal from Domestic Abuse and Thrive as a Survivor


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Part self-help, part memoir, this book contains some explicit violence. These events are my recollection of my time during a physically abusive relationship, and due to the nature of the theme, there are some graphic descriptions of what I went through. Excerpt from the book: Looking down at my torso, my arms had bite marks and bruises on them. The fire poker had also been used to strike my top half, and the gargantuan bruises on my forearms showed that they took the brunt of it as I was trying to protect myself. The worst pain of all was reserved for my jaw and my head. I couldn’t open my mouth, and the tin-like, metallic taste of blood swished around my mouth every time I moved my tongue. When I separated my mouth and tried to bite down, I realised that my jaw wasn’t aligned – my teeth didn’t fit together like they should. My jaw was jutting out to the right, and panic washed over me as I traced my finger down my new jawline. I could only imagine what my face looked like. My head was full of lumps and bumps, all of which caused immense pain. I felt like I looked like a cartoon character. I very slowly pulled myself up, trying to avoid the covers touching my legs too much. I’d experienced domestic violence many, many times before, and I always dreaded the look in the mirror the next day. Many times I’d been shocked at the monster glaring back at me. Sometimes the monster would have one swollen, purple eye shut. The other would be bloodshot and have blurred vision. Sometimes her lips would be crimson red from all of the blood that had seeped from her nose or mouth. Other times, the monster staring back would have less hair than she did the day before. Looking down at your feet to see clumps of your hair matted with your own blood is a feeling I know far too well. The dried, dark red blood would entwine itself with my blonde hair, and gazing down at it would always give me a humiliating churn in my stomach. … What you’re about to read is part memoir, part self help. I’ll tell you my story, and throughout the book I’ll help you understand how to deal with the effects of domestic abuse, give you a deeper knowledge of the subject and some mindful methods you’ll find useful in your recovery. From victim to survivor, I want to help you thrive just like I have.

Author: Riley, Kaitlyn

Topic: Family / Parenting / Childbirth
Media: Book
ISBN: 1723980900
Language: English
Pages: 106

Additional information

Weight 0.26 lbs
Dimensions 7.99 × 5.24 × 0.22 in


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